
unusual facts about Peter Ackroyd

Burnt Norton

Peter Ackroyd believes that it is impossible to paraphrase the content of the poem; the poem is too abstract to describe the events and the action that make up the poem's narrative structure.


Over the years many famous authors have signed at Hatchards including J.K Rowling, Alexander McCall Smith, Peter Ackroyd, Margaret Thatcher, Lauren Bacall, Stephen Fry, Jeremy Paxman, Joanne Harris, the late Alec Guinness, David Attenborough, Michael Palin, Deborah, Duchess of Devonshire, Peter Mandelson, Hilary Mantel, Sebastian Faulks, and Howard Jacobson.

The Grapes

Other popular writers have been fascinated by Limehouse: Oscar Wilde in The Picture of Dorian Gray; Arthur Conan Doyle, who sent Sherlock Holmes in search of opium provided by the local Chinese immigrants; and, more recently, Peter Ackroyd in Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem.

see also