Yukk!'s character is voiced by Frank Welker, years before he won the role as the voice of Megatron in the Transformers cartoon series — alongside his colleague Peter Cullen, who was the voice of Megatron's enemy, Optimus Prime, and who provided the voices of Mighty Man and his alter ego Brandon Brewster in this cartoon series.
Peter Pan | Peter Gabriel | Peter Jackson | Peter | Saint Peter | Peter Paul Rubens | Peter Sellers | Peter the Great | Blue Peter | Peter Frampton | Peter Greenaway | Peter Brook | Peter Lorre | Peter Ustinov | St. Peter's Basilica | Peter Kropotkin | St. Peter | Peter Fonda | Peter Kay | Peter David | Peter Mandelson | Peter O'Toole | Peter Allen | Lord Peter Wimsey | Peter Sellars | Peter Schreier | Peter, Paul and Mary | Peter Davison | Peter Singer | Peter Maxwell Davies |
The team includes the stuttering Caboose (voiced by Frank Welker), the uptight Winston (voiced by Peter Cullen in an English accent), Reginald AKA Reggie (voiced by Mendi Segal impersonating Jack Nicholson), Barney (voiced by Dave Coulier in a Southern accent), Ditzy Kibble (voiced by Ellen Gerstell), Satch (voiced by Jim Cummings impersonating Ed Wynn), and a friendly Chihuahua named Tweek (voiced by Hank Saroyan).
The game features the voice cast from the show such as Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Sumalee Montano, Steven Blum, Josh Keaton, Jeffrey Combs, Kevin Michael Richardson, and Daran Norris.