
3 unusual facts about Peter Renaday

EOE: Eve of Extinction

Eventually, they meet the CEO of Wisdom, Agla (voiced by Peter Renaday), and defeat him, and Elliel is returned to normal.

If You Had Wings

In later years, this passage (spoken by someone other than Welles; perhaps Disney vocal warhorse Peter Renaday) ended with the less grandiloquent, "Eastern: we'll be your wings."

Snow White's Scary Adventures

Voice cast for the 1994-2012 version of the ride: (open to clarification) Magic Mirror - Tony Jay; The Queen - Susanne Blakeslee; The Witch - Louise Chamis; The Huntsman - Peter Renaday; Snow White - Mary Kay Bergman; Doc - Jim Cummings; Sneezy - Corey Burton; Happy - Kevin Schon; Bashful - Jeff Bennett.

see also