
4 unusual facts about Philip Game

Bill Ely

His career came to an end at the 1932 election, amidst Labor's heavy defeat after Lang was sacked as Premier by Governor Philip Game; one of many Labor MPs to lose their seats, Ely was defeated by United Australia Party candidate Claude Fleck.

Isador Goodman

Goodman became well known in society circles; the Governor of New South Wales Sir Philip Game and Lady Game became his patrons and personal friends.

New South Wales referendum, 1961

However, these requests were refused by De Chair's successor, Sir Philip Game.

Richard Haking

The future Air Vice Marshal Philip Game, then serving as GSO1 to 46th Division, wrote frequently in letters to his wife (10, 11, 24 November, 8, 10, 20 December 1915) of how Haking interfered frequently with his planning.

see also