Philip II of Spain | Philip K. Dick | John Philip Sousa | Philip II | Philip Roth | Philip IV of Spain | Philip II of Macedon | Philip | Jason Mraz | Philip Bradbourn | Philip Catherine | Prince Philip | Jason Alexander | David Jason | Philip V of Spain | Jason Robards | Philip Pullman | Jason Grimshaw | Philip Sheridan | Philip Larkin | Philip IV of France | Jason Kidd | Jason Kenney | Jason Isaacs | Philip the Good | Philip Sidney | Philip Marlowe | Jason Statham | Jason Newsted | Philip IV |
They began publishing books with Rod Jellema's Something Tugging the Line followed by many others, among them, books by James Wright, Roland Flint, Myra Sklarew, Linda Pastan, Paul Zimmer, Philip Jason, Roger Aplon, Barbara Lefcowitz, Ann Darr, Rodger Kamenetz, and Herman Taube.