
2 unusual facts about Philip Jose Farmer

Philip José Farmer

The Riverworld series follows the adventures of such diverse characters as Richard Francis Burton, Hermann Göring, and Samuel Clemens through a bizarre afterlife in which every human ever to have lived is simultaneously resurrected along a single river valley that stretches over an entire planet.


Philip José Farmer (1918–2009), American science fiction and fantasy author

Fredric Brown

Brown also had the honor of being one of three dedicatees of Robert A. Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land (the other two being Robert Cornog and Philip Jose Farmer).

Massimo Mongai

According to the biography printed in many of his books, his influences include the science-fiction writers Isaac Asimov, A. E. van Vogt, Poul Anderson and Philip José Farmer and the crime writers Rex Stout and Andrea Camilleri.

Mrs Grundy

Philip José Farmer's characters in the Riverworld series also refer to Mrs Grundy as prudishness incarnate in a negative way.

Weird Heroes

Tor Books reprinted Philip José Farmer's Greatheart Silver stories in a single volume with new art and Reaves's character Kamus appeared in 2 books by other publishers.

Yellow Peril

It is clearly in the same line as the contemporaneous works of Philip José Farmer, "updating" Rohmer the way Farmer updated Edgar Rice Burroughs, Lester Dent, and Walter B. Gibson.

see also