In the film Planet Terror, lead character Cherry Darling uses her false leg, a machine gun with underslung grenade launcher, to rocket jump over a tall wall.
Animal Planet | War on Terror | minor planet | Mercury (planet) | Lonely Planet | Reign of Terror | Planet of the Apes | planet | Forbidden Planet | war on terror | Planet Rock | Planet of the Daleks | Planet of the Apes (2001 film) | Planet of the Apes (1968 film) | Planet | Fantastic Planet | Terror Fabulous | Birdemic: Shock and Terror | Animal Planet Nordic | Treasure Planet | Terror Train | Terror Squad | Planet of Evil | Planet in Peril | Planet Earth (TV series) | Planet Earth | Lost Planet of the Gods | Terror management theory | Terror | Planet Rock (song) |
During the Grindhouse segment Planet Terror, Earl McGraw is forced to kill his wife Ramona after she turns into a zombie, while Dakota takes refuge in his house.