
unusual facts about Pontifical Urbaniana University

Antonios Naguib

From 1953 to 1958, he studied at the interritual seminary of Maadi, Cairo and, later, at the Pontifical Urbaniana College, Rome.

Bernard Agré

He was educated at the Seminary of Bingerville where he studied philosophy, then the Major Seminary of Quidah, Dahomey, now Benin (theology) then finally from 1957–1960 at the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome where he earned a doctorate summa cum laude in theology.

Dimitri Salachas

He has taught Canon Law (both Latin and Oriental) in Pontifical Urbaniana University, Pontifical Gregorian University, Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum and Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome.

Ratko Perić

He received doctorate from the Pontifical Urbaniana University in 1971, and then taught at Catholic seminaries in Sarajevo, Zagreb, and for several years at the Gregoriana in Rome.

see also