
unusual facts about Pope Paul

see also

Bernardus Johannes Alfrink

During his tenure, Alfrink and his fellow Dutch clergymen attacked the argumentation used in Pope Paul's 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae.


Consilium de Emendanda Ecclesia, a 1536 report commissioned by Pope Paul III on the abuses in the Catholic Church


Humanae Vitae is an encyclical written by Pope Paul VI and promulgated on July 25, 1968.

J. Esmonde Barry

He received The Bishop William Dollard Medal of Merit, Diocese of Saint John, and the Knights of Columbus Pope Paul Medal of Merit.

Junna Nakata

In 1980, Pope John Paul II kept Pope Paul VI’s word, and the Mass for 1,618 war criminals of Classes A, B and C took place in St. Peter's Basilica.

Lawrence Shehan

In a stroke of cruel luck, he was never able to participate in a papal conclave—he was the last cardinal to turn eighty prior to the August 1978 conclave, at which, by Pope Paul's decree, cardinals over eighty were excluded.


Populorum progressio, encyclical written by Pope Paul VI on the topic of "the development of peoples" and that the economy of the world should serve mankind and not just the few


Sacerdotalis Caelibatus (Latin for Of the celibate priesthood) is the name of an encyclical written by Pope Paul VI on the Catholic Church's tradition of priestly celibacy in the West.

Tiara of Pope Paul VI

Though lacking in jewels, Pope Paul's tiara weighs 10 lb (4.5 kg) in contrast to the 2 lb (0.9 kg) weight of the previously-used Palatine Tiara.

William McDermott

On 19 May 1976 he was appointed, by Pope Paul VI, Titular Bishop of Thucca in Mauretania and Auxiliary Bishop for the Diocese of Huancavelica.