Finster (AKA Ant Hill Harry), a 35-year-old man who resembles a baby, makes a successful robbery of the Last National Bank by the swift use of stilts, dark clothes, a pram and baby clothing.
Wheelchair and pram access to the platform is possible, and also relatively easy, via the ramp-staircase.
Wheelchair and pram access is practically nonexistent; they have to be carried up a flight of concrete steps.
Wheelchair and pram access to the platforms is possible, via the access ramps.
The trail's compacted gravel surface between Lilydale and Millgrove is pram and wheelchair friendly and accommodates activities such as walking, cycling and horse riding.
A clip of the scene where Mr. Bean puts the balloons on the pram was shown to illustrate the expected result of a myth in MythBusters; the myth that a large number of balloons could lift a small child into the sky.
The mill is noted for its pram rugs and its crowning moment was on the birth of Princess Elizabeth in 1926, when Buckingham Palace contacted the mill requiring a small rug for the royal pram.
PRAM memory devices have been introduced by BAE Systems, referred to as C-RAM, claiming excellent radiation tolerance (rad-hard) and latchup immunity.
Pram Town is the third studio album by British singer-songwriter Darren Hayman and his second with his backing band the Secondary Modern.
After several line up changes since reforming, the group line-up settled as Robert Lloyd (vocals), Alan Apperley (guitar), ex-Pram drummer Daren Garratt, "teenage guitar sensation" Matt Wood, and Stephen 'The Night' Lowe (bass).
Wheelchair and pram access to each of the two platforms is possible, and relatively easy, via the ramp-staircases.