The son of Eddie Moon (David Essex), half brother of Michael Moon (Steve John Shepherd) and brother of Tyler Moon (Tony Discipline), his storylines have focused on the friendship between him and Tyler, and his relationships with Poppy Meadow (Rachel Bright), Jodie Gold (Kylie Babbington), Amira Masood (Preeya Kalidas) and Alice Branning (Jasmyn Banks).
RKZ is also a music video director, and has directed/produced the majority of his music videos, as well as music videos for other artists including Cashtastic, Roach Killa, Preeya Kalidas and Skott Summerz.
Skepta has released five singles off his third studio album Doin' It Again (first with a major label), titled "Bad Boy", "Rescue Me", "Cross My Heart" featuring Preeya Kalidas, "So Alive" and "Amnesia", as well as a video for the Hello Good Morning (Grime Remix).