
3 unusual facts about Presidential Commission

2003 Maldives civil unrest

President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom established a Presidential Commission on September 20, 2003 to investigate the death of Evan Naseem and the shooting incident at Maafushi Prison.

Eric Rosen

During this time Rosen was a member of Koch Crime Commission, lectured at the Menninger School of Law and Psychiatry, 2004-2005 President of the Sam A. Crow Inns of Court and was appointed to the presidential commission charged with commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision.

President's Commission on Financial Structure and Regulation

The President's Commission on Financial Structure and Regulation, also known as the Hunt Commission (and not to be confused with the Hunt Commission of 1980) was a United States Presidential Commission created by President Richard Nixon between April and June 1970 that was "responsible for recommending measures to improve operation of the nation's private financial system."

Ticasuk Brown

She was given a Presidential Commission by Richard Nixon.

Ugandan Bush War

A Presidential Commission with three members, Saulo Musoke, Polycarp Nyamuchoncho and Joel Hunter Wacha-Olwol, then governed the country until the December 1980 general elections which were won by Milton Obote's Uganda Peoples Congress.

see also

Balopi Commission

The Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Sections 77, 78 and 79 of the Constitution of Botswana, also known as the Balopi Commission after the chairman of the commission Patrick Balopi, is a Botswana commission of inquiry set up on 28 July 2000 in response to perceived tribal inequality between the dominant Batswana and the smaller minority tribes such as the Wayeyi.

Daniel Patrick Kessler

He was given a presidential commission to paint the White House, and one of his paintings was used by President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton as their Christmas card in 1996.

Georgia State University College of Law

Paul A. Lombardo, Professor of Law - Senior Advisor to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues

Hassan Evan Naseem

President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom established a Presidential Commission on September 20, 2003 to investigate the death of Evan Naseem and the shooting incident at Maafushi Prison.

John J. Creedon

During President Reagan's tenure he served as a member of the Presidential Commission on Executive, Judicial and Legislative Salaries and on the President's Commission on the HIV Epidemic.

Julius Erasmus Hilgard

In respect to his physical and consequent mental condition at the time when he appeared before the Presidential commission on the conduct of the Coast Survey, it may suffice to say that the physician who examined him immediately after his resignation declared that had he been aware of the facts he "would, unsolicited and from a sense of justice, have gone before that body and testified that Hilgard could not be held responsible for his acts."

Ministry of Gender Equality and Family

On February 28, 1998, the Presidential Commission on Women's Affairs (여성특별위원회) was formed under President Kim Dae-jung.