
unusual facts about Press Publishing Company

Allen Sangree

It appears that this series of events ended with the libel suite against Joseph Pulitzer, Caleb Van Hamm and Robert Hunt Lyman of the New York World as well as the World itself, and the Press Publishing Company for libel against William Nelson Cromwell, J.P. Morgan, Douglas Robinson, Charles P. Taft, Elihu Root, and Theodore Roosevelt.

see also

Ralph Pulitzer

Upon his father's death in October 1911, he become president of the Press Publishing Company, which published the New York World and the Evening World.

The Adventure of Archaeology

The Adventure of Archaeology (ISBN 978-0-87044-603-0) is a 1985 book written by Dr. Brian M. Fagan, published by the National Geographic press publishing company.

The Western Producer

Harris Turner and A.P. "Pat" Waldron began the Saskatoon-based Modern Press publishing company in 1923.