
2 unusual facts about Prince William Sound

Hypomesus pretiosus

Hypomesus pretiosus, or surf smelt, is a marine smelt with a range from Prince William Sound, Alaska to Long Beach, California, although its population declines south of San Francisco.

Loren Leman

He longlined for halibut in Cook Inlet and harvested herring roe on kelp in Prince William Sound.

Kittlitz's Murrelet

The Kittlitz's Murrelet mostly breeds and lives in the coastal areas of Alaska, both on the mainland around Prince William Sound, the Kenai Peninsula, sparsely up the west coast and along the Aleutian Islands.

Salmon shark

Animals are believed to range as far south as the Sea of Japan and as far north as 65 degrees north in Alaska and in particular in Prince William Sound during the annual salmon run.

Totem pole

It includes the inverted and distorted face of Exxon ex-CEO Lee Raymond, representing the unpaid debt that courts determined Exxon owes for having caused the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound.

see also

Chenega, Alaska

On the 25th Good Friday after the earthquake, in 1989, the oil tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince William Sound, causing an oil spill that again devastated Chenega and other places around the area economically.