
unusual facts about Prosecution

Adel Abdel-Hamid

He worked in prosecution until appointed a judge at Giza Court of First Instance in July 1973.

Adolph Luetgert

The prosecution then used George Amos Dorsey, an anthropologist at the Field Columbian Museum in Chicago, to prove that the bones found were human bones.

Anthony Rowe

He risked prosecution under Britain's obscenity laws when he printed the first unexpurgated Penguin edition of Lady Chatterley's Lover, which other printers had fought shy of.

Apocalypse Production Crew

On August 21, 2003, Mark Shumaker (known by the pseudonym markalso), pleaded guilty to violating copyright laws and became the first federal criminal prosecution of someone who specialized in music piracy after having been raided in Operation Buccaneer.

Argyrosomus japonicus

The case was dropped until there was a public outcry and the department of public prosecution in Cape Town had decided to reopen the case.

Barrio Patronato

In early 20th century there was a massive influx of Christian Palestinians and Lebanse fleeing the Ottoman Empire due to religious prosecution, and later the economic situation and the outbreak of World War I.

Barry Duke

In 1979, Duke was a founding member of the Gay Humanist Group, (now Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association) after Mary Whitehouse began a private prosecution for blasphemous libel against Gay News (see Whitehouse v Lemon.

Boston Sugar Refinery

This was the first prosecution brought in front of the Supreme Court under the Sherman Act.

Brenda Jefferson Foster

Brenda Jefferson Foster (born 1955 - May 17, 2010 Lake Providence, Louisiana) was a witness for the prosecution in the 2008-2009 trials of her older siblings Betty Jefferson and Mose Jefferson, Betty Jefferson's daughter Angela Coleman, and Mose Jefferson's companion former City Councilwoman Renée Gill Pratt.

Brian Concannon

During his time at the BAI, Brian played an essential role in preparing the prosecution of the landmark Raboteau Massacre trial in 2000.

Campbell Case

On 6 August it was announced in the House of Commons that the Attorney General for England and Wales Sir Patrick Hastings had advised the prosecution of Campbell under the Incitement to Mutiny Act 1797; however, under pressure from a number of Labour backbenchers, the government forced the charges to be withdrawn on 13 August.

Charles S. Whitman

The handling of the Schmidt murder case, the prosecution of the poultry trust and of election frauds won for Whitman high commendation.

Claudia Paz y Paz

Paz y Paz has been praised for her aggressive prosecution of organized crime in Guatemala (resulting in a 9% drop in crime) and has subsequently received numerous threats against her life.

Concealed carry in the United States

Although carry may be legal under State law in accordance with reciprocity agreements, the Federal Gun Free School Zones Act subjects an out-of-state permit holder to federal felony prosecution if they carry a firearm within 1000 feet of any K-12 school's property line.

Dany Toussaint

In 2003, Judge Claudy Gassant requested that Toussaint's immunity from prosecution be lifted in regards to the assassination of Haitian journalist Jean Dominique who had accused Toussaint of having his rival for the position of Secretary of State for Public Security, Jean Lamy, assassinated.

DeLorean Motor Company

The key element of evidence for the prosecution was a videotape showing DeLorean discussing the drugs deal with undercover FBI agents Benedict (Ben) Tisa and West, although DeLorean's attorney Howard Weitzman successfully demonstrated to the court that he was coerced into participation in the deal by the agents who initially approached him as legitimate investors.


Under United States patent law a prosecution disclaimer is a statement made by a patent applicant during examination of a patent application which can limit the scope of protection provided by the resulting patent.

Edward George Clarke

Clarke represented Oscar Wilde in his ill-advised prosecution of the Marquess of Queensberry for criminal libel.

Edwin Bollier

As a discouragement to the prosecution, Bollier is alleged to have let it be known before the start of the trial that if he were to be charged for the PA 103 bombing he would call some high-ranking and controversial witnesses to appear, for example: former United States President George H. W. Bush, Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North and Gerrit Pretorius, private secretary to South Africa's former foreign minister Pik Botha.

Elmyr de Hory

By 1966, more of de Hory's paintings were being revealed as forgeries; one man in particular, Texas oil magnate Algur H. Meadows, to whom Legros had sold 56 forged paintings, was so outraged to learn that most of his collection was forged, that he demanded the arrest and prosecution of Legros.

Emily Lyons

In 2005, Lyons appeared in a controversial advertisement opposing the nomination to the Supreme Court of John G. Roberts, who seven years before the bombing had filed a brief opposing the prosecution of abortion clinic blockaders under the federal Ku Klux Klan Act.

Frank S. Tavenner, Jr.

Following World War II he was assigned by the Department of the Army to be Counsel under Joseph B. Keenan and later Acting Chief of Counsel of the International Prosecution Section for the International Military Tribunal for the Far East from late 1945 to the end of the trial in 1948.

Frazier Reams

Reams was most well known for leading the prosecution of Thomas "Yonnie" Licavoli, who controlled bootlegging and illegal gambling operations in Detroit, Michigan and Toledo.

George Grieve

On Robespierre's fall Grieve was arrested at Amiens, and was taken to Versailles, where twenty-two depositions were taken against him, but the prosecution was dropped.

Gervais de La Rue

From England he passed over to Holland, still in prosecution of his favorite task; and there he remained until in 1798 he returned to France.


She was charged under section 1 of the Official Secrets Act 1989, but the case was dropped when the prosecution declined to offer evidence.

Helen Mack Chang

Beginning in 1991, Helen Mack Chang pursued prosecution in Guatemala of those suspected of the crime, which included several men trained at the US Army School of the Americas (later renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation).

I Need a Haircut

The resulting case was Grand Upright Music, Ltd. v. Warner Bros. Records Inc., in which the court granted an injunction against the defendants to prevent further copyright infringement of the plaintiff's song by sampling and referred them for criminal prosecution.

Jean Cavalier

Threatened with prosecution for his religious opinions he went to Geneva, where he spent the year 1701; he returned to the Cévennes on the eve of the rebellion of the Camisards, who by the murder of the Abbé du Chayla at Pont-de-Monvert on the night of July 24, 1702 raised the standard of revolt.

Langit Makin Mendung

Poet Taufiq Ismail notes that most protests against the prosecution's actions were for their motion to ban Sastra, a reputable and respected publication, which does not indicate that "Langit Makin Mendung" was being supported.

Martin Tytell

Alger Hiss was convicted of perjury in 1950 based on evidence that extensively relied on claims that documents passed to Soviet agent Whittaker Chambers had been created on a typewriter Hiss and his wife had owned, after the prosecution showed that the typewriter's unique combination of printing pattern and flaws matched those on the documents in question.

Melissa Doi

The recording was used during the prosecution of Zacarias Moussaoui, the only criminal trials to result from the attacks.

Military Commissions Act of 2009

According to Edwards, some Obama appointees had tried to get new rules that would have caused the Prosecution to abandon charging Guantanamo captives such as Omar Khadr with murder.

Paul Robinette

He works under Ben Stone (Michael Moriarty), whom he comes to think of as a mentor, despite occasionally disagreeing with his prosecution methods.

Publius Clodius Thrasea Paetus

In 57 Thrasea supported the cause of the Cilicians accusing their late governor, Cossutianus Capito, of extortion, and the prosecution succeeded apparently largely through his influence.

Ronald True

The defence at his trial was that he was insane, which was undoubtedly true, but Sir Richard Muir for the prosecution argued that under the M'Naghten Rules he "knew what he was doing and knew that it was wrong" and that he was therefore legally responsible.

Sim Gill

Gill participated in the prosecution of Brian David Mitchell, the man guilty of kidnapping Elizabeth Smart.

Sir Henry Rawlinson, 1st Baronet

Having collected a large amount of invaluable information on this and kindred topics, in addition to much geographical knowledge gained in the prosecution of various explorations (including visits with Sir Austen Henry Layard to the ruins of Nineveh), he returned to England on leave of absence in 1849.

Stephen Rapp

In 2001, he joined the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, where he led the prosecution in the "Media Trial" against the leaders of the RTLM radio station and Kangura newspaper for inciting the Rwandan Genocide of 1994.

Steve Cooley

As District Attorney, Cooley first made the headlines in the prosecution of Winona Ryder for shoplifting.

Steve J. Rosen

Floyd Abrams, a leading First Amendment attorney, said the AIPAC case "is the single most dangerous case for free speech and free press" (Washington Post, March 31, 2006) and Alan Dershowitz called it “the worst case of selective prosecution I have seen in 42 years of legal practice” (Jerusalem Post, January 31, 2006).

Steven A. Boylan

In late October 2007, Boylan became embroiled in a dispute with Glenn Greenwald of Salon Magazine over articles by Greenwald related to the prosecution of the Iraq War by the George W. Bush presidency and a series of emails.

Tharcisse Karugarama

A member of the RPF, Karugarama has played a role in the prosecution of crimes associated with the Rwandan Genocide.


At first, it appeared that they might be treated leniently, but in the end, public displays of bereavement by the families of the deceased and aggressive prosecution by a politician named Callixenus swung the opinion of the assembly; the six generals were tried as a group and executed.

Thomas P. Gordon

Tom Gordon was Co-commander of Delaware's first serial killer task force which led to the apprehension and prosecution of Steven Brian Pennell, the state's first and only known serial killer.

Trial of Louis XVI

Beginning with a description of why the charges were invalid (under the terms of the Constitution of 1791 Louis, as king, was immune from prosecution), he attacked the right of National Convention to stand as judge and jury.

United States House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children

The House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children (HCMEC) was formed in order to assist the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and coordinate United States federal legislation preventing child abduction and exploitation of children, including prosecution for possession of online pornography and solicitation of minors for sexual activity.

Vic Feazell

Vic Feazell was a District Attorney in Waco, Texas from 1983 until 1988, during which time he was involved in the investigation and prosecution of several famous cases, including the 1982 Lake Waco murders and several crimes to which Henry Lee Lucas had been linked.

Warren Kimbro

Sams testified that national Panther leader Bobby Seale, who had been speaking at Yale University the day before the murder, had personally ordered the killing, but there was no corroborating evidence; the jury in Seale's subsequent trial was unable to reach a verdict, and the prosecution chose not to re-try the case.

William J. Biggy

Upon falling out with the men supporting the graft prosecution, Biggy was placed under surveillance by detectives employed by William J. Burns, a special agent to the prosecution.

see also