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Dal 1994 al 2004 ricopre la carica di Vice Presidente della Provincia di Cosenza, esercitando nel tempo varie deleghe, tra le quali, territorio e sviluppo, politiche comunitarie, servizi sociali, energia, piano territoriale di coordinamento provinciale, protezione civile.
In a statement the Italian government moved to distance itself from the Italian Civil Protection head, Guido Bertolaso, who asserted that the U.S. effort was badly lead and managed, lacking a "rapport" with aid organizations and local people.
In 2012 during the earthquakes in Emilia, Errani was nominated special commissioner for the reconstruction, by the Prime Minister Monti and the chief the Protezione Civile Franco Gabrielli.
Sabina Guzzanti caricatures Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and is critical of the government, especially Berlusconi and Guido Bertolaso, the chief of the Protezione Civile.