Rafael Nadal | San Rafael, California | Rafael Hernández Colón | Rafael Viñoly | San Rafael | Rafael Trujillo | Rafael Moneo | Rafael Osuna | Rafael Benítez | Jorge Rafael Videla | Rafael Sabatini | Rafael Correa | Rafael Cordero Santiago | Rafael Alberti | San Rafael, Mendoza | San Rafael, Bulacan | Rafael Squirru | Rafael Lozano-Hemmer | Rafael Escalona | Rafael | Rafael Sperafico | Rafael Solano | Rafael Ruelas | Rafael Rosell | Rafael Morales | Rafael Merry del Val | Rafael Lima (boxer) | Rafael Lima | Rafael Ithier | Rafael Guastavino |
Under the stewardship of Rosensaft and Norbert Wollheim and Rafael Olewski, the Central Committee grew into an organization that lobbied the British on behalf of the DPs' political, social, and cultural aims, including the right to emigrate to British-controlled Palestine.