Rafael Nadal | San Rafael, California | Rafael Hernández Colón | Rafael Viñoly | Gunther Schuller | San Rafael | Rafael Trujillo | Rafael Moneo | Rafael Osuna | Rafael Benítez | Jorge Rafael Videla | Günther Anders | Rafael Sabatini | Rafael Correa | Rafael Cordero Santiago | Rafael Alberti | San Rafael, Mendoza | San Rafael, Bulacan | Rafael Squirru | Rafael Lozano-Hemmer | Rafael Escalona | Rafael | Lothar-Günther Buchheim | John Gunther | Hans F. K. Günther | Günther Porod | Rafael Sperafico | Rafael Solano | Rafael Ruelas | Rafael Rosell |
Valenti was part of a group of artists, poets, and writers like Carlos Wyld Ospina, Rafael Rodríguez Padilla, Rafael Arévalo Martínez, Rafael Yela Günther, the De la Riva siblings and Carlos Mérida, who worked very closely with Jaime Sabartés, Catalonian who came to Guatemala from Barcelona, who held a close friendship with Pablo Picasso, and worked as his private secretary since 1935.