Randy McKay (Hugh Randall McKay, born 1967), retired Canadian ice hockey player
Randy Brecker | Randy Travis | Randy Stonehill | Randy Quaid | Randy Lerner | Randy Johnson | Randy Jackson | Randy Bachman | Randy Couture | Randy Kuhl | Randy Moss | Randy Crawford | Randy Houser | Randy Meisner | John McKay | Jim McKay | Adam McKay | Sophie McKay | Rich McKay | Randy Stuart | Randy Savage | Randy Orton | Randy Napoleon | David O. McKay | Ron McKay | Randy Smith | Randy Pausch | Randy Michaels | Randy Karraker | Randy Ferbey |
In the 96-97 season, he scored decisive wins over established fighters such as Randy McKay, Darren Langdon and Enrico Ciccone, and he battered Ryan Vandenbussche and Shane Churla of the New York Rangers in one-sided victories.