Her fictional novels often follow the same formual as the Pollyanna or Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm series, in which a young girl, often an orphan, tries to improve the lives of adults through pluck and daring.
Most of the children have fanciful names, such as Marquis and Jenny Lind, influenced by the father's artistic background (Rebecca is named after both the heroines in Ivanhoe).
Shirley Temple played Rebecca in the more freely interpreted adaptation of 1938.
The story was adapted for the theatrical stage, and was filmed three times, once with Shirley Temple in the title role.
He also played in films with Shirley Temple Black Captain January (1936) and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1938 film).
The Farm | farm | Animal Farm | State Farm Insurance | Rebecca St. James | Knott's Berry Farm | Farm Aid | Lane's End Farm | A.N.T. Farm | Warwick Farm Racecourse | Rebecca | Home Farm | United Farm Workers | The Farm (TV series) | Rebecca Luker | Farm Security Administration | American Farm Bureau Federation | Warwick Farm | Rebecca Solnit | Rebecca Romijn | Farm team | Church Farm School | Biagio Rebecca | Battle of Crysler's Farm | stud farm | Ridge Farm Studio | Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm | Rebecca Martin | Pepperidge Farm | Idle Hour Stock Farm |
As "Frances Marion", she wrote many scripts for actress/filmmaker Mary Pickford, including Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm and The Poor Little Rich Girl, as well as scripts for numerous other successful films of the 1920s and 1930s.