
unusual facts about Red List

Montagne des Français

Of the herpetofauna, eight species are endemic to the Montagne des Français, 28 are regional endemics, 2 are listed as globally threatened in IUCN's 2006 Red List and 14 species are CITES listed.

Sphagnum palustre

Sphagnum palustre is not on the IUCN red list of threatened species and therefore isn’t considered to be threatened or endangered.

see also

Bear conservation

Although the inclusion of the brown bear as of Least Concern on the 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species refers to their global population, the fact is that local populations are increasingly becoming scarcer.

Midongy du sud National Park

One can find there also 14 endagered plants that are listed in the IUCN red list for endangered species and the orchids Aeranthes caudata and Bulbophyllum vestitum (CITES (Annexe II)).

Phyllobrostis hartmanni

It is listed as in the endangered on the Red List of Bavaria.