
unusual facts about Reform Party of the United States of America

Kentucky gubernatorial election, 2011

Gatewood Galbraith, attorney and Industrial Hemp advocate from Lexington and four-time gubernatorial candidate (candidate for the Democratic nomination in 1991, 1995, and 2007 and Reform nominee in 1999)

Buddy Roemer presidential campaign, 2012

After his exclusion from every nationally-televised Republican debate, Roemer announced on February 22, 2012 that he would instead pursue a place on a third-party ticket, specifically the Reform Party and Americans Elect nominations.

Colorado's 4th congressional district election, 2006

Musgrave's opponents were Democratic state representative Angie Paccione and former Ronald Reagan United States Environmental Protection Agency appointee Eric Eidsness, a former Republican who entered the race as a Reform Party candidate.

Mark Quick

Mark Quick (born May 27, 1965) is an American immigration reform activist, former elected member of the Warren County, New Jersey Republican Committee, and a former Reform Party Congressional candidate.

Matching funds

Hence the anomaly of Ross Perot standing as Reform Party candidate in 1992 and receiving 18% of the vote, yet receiving no matching funds because the Reform Party did not receive 5% of the vote in 1988; whilst Pat Buchanan, running as the Reform Party candidate in 2000, did receive matching funds despite winning only 0.4% of the vote.

Scott Ritcher

In 1998, Ritcher entered politics as the Reform Party's candidate for Mayor of Louisville.

see also