
unusual facts about Renae Hallinan


Renae Jacobs |

Melbourne Vixens

In 2009, the team was headlined by internationals Sharelle McMahon, Julie Corletto, Bianca Chatfield, Natasha Chokljat, and Ama Agbeze and talented emerging stars such as Renae Hallinan, Caitlin Thwaites, and Ashlee Howard.

For the inaugural season, the Vixens were headlined by internationals Sharelle McMahon, Julie Corletto, Bianca Chatfield, Natasha Chokljat, and Abby Sargent and talented emerging stars such as Renae Hallinan, Caitlin Thwaites, Madison Browne, Johannah Curran, Sharni Layton, and Ashlee Howard.

see also