
unusual facts about Renee Cox

Renée Cox

The image sparked an enormous controversy when Rudy Giuliani, then mayor of New York City, saw the work and proceeded to accuse Cox of being anti-Catholic.

John Trobaugh

In Potentially Harmful: The Art of American Censorship, Trobaugh's work was shown alongside Dread Scott, Robert Mapplethorpe, Sue Coe, Lynda Benglis, Andres Serrano, Karen Finley, Alma Lopez, John Jota Leaos, Benita Carr, Anita Steckel, Renee Cox, Gayla Lemke, Marilyn Zimmerman, John Sims, The Critical Art Ensemble, Eric Fischl, Tom Forsythe, Nancy Worthington, David Avalos, Scott Kessler, Louis Hock and Elizabeth Sisco.

Liverpool and the Black Atlantic

The exhibition included work by artists including Romare Bearden, Constantin Brâncuși, Renee Cox, Aaron Douglas, Walker Evans, Ellen Gallagher, David Hammons, Isaac Julien, Wifredo Lam, Ronald Moody, Wangechi Mutu, Chris Ofili, Uche Okeke, Pablo Picasso, Keith Piper, Tracey Rose and Kara Walker among others.

see also