
unusual facts about Reunification of Germany

Coat of arms of Germany

Since the accession in 1990 of the states that used to form the German Democratic Republic, the Federal Eagle has been the state symbol of the reunified Germany.

Erich Ollenhauer

While the plan was denounced as radical at the time, it helped pave the way for Brandt's Ostpolitik, as well as indirectly influencing some developments within the European Union, such as a European common security policy) and the eventual reunification of Germany.

Georg Neumann

After the reunification of Germany, the company in Gefell, which had continued to use the Neumann name, became known as Microtech Gefell.

Harry E. Soyster

The end of the Cold War resulted in a reevaluation of the intelligence mission throughout the Intelligence Community as a new era began with the fall of the Communist Party in many East European countries, the reunification of Germany, and ongoing economic reforms in the region.

Lusatian Lake District

With the reunification of Germany in 1990, it was decided to end this long tradition because of the dwindling quantity of lignite and the heavy pollution of the surrounding environment.


The Reunification of Germany in 1989 brought new hopes for the future of Germany and Nagold, but was quickly followed by the worst recession in post-war history.

Verwaltung des ehemaligen Reichsbahnvermögens

It continued in existence until it transferred its railway assets to the Deutsche Bahn in 1994, after the reunification of Germany.

see also

Bibliotheca Teubneriana

After the fall of the Berlin wall and the reunification of Germany, B.G. Teubner was also reunited and subsequently consolidated its headquarters at Wiesbaden.

Diana Goodman

She reported on the first democratic elections in Eastern Europe, the reunification of Germany, the dissolution of Czechoslovakia and, from Moscow, the resignation of General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev and the end of the Soviet Union.

James Hall III

After the reunification of Germany, on July 24, 1992, almost all of the documents Hall had copied and handed over to the Stasi (13,088 pages in total) were given back to the NSA by the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Archives, then led by the current President of Germany Joachim Gauck.