Internal Revenue Service | Internal Revenue Code | American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions | Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty | HM Revenue and Customs | Inland Revenue | Bureau of Internal Revenue | United States Revenue Cutter Service | Sick and Hurt Commissioners | National Association of Insurance Commissioners | National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners | List of High Commissioners of New Zealand to the United Kingdom | Indian Revenue Service | Ecclesiastical Commissioners | Church Commissioners | Victualling Commissioners | South African Revenue Service | Revenue block | Orange County Board of County Commissioners | List of North Dakota Public Service Commissioners | List of Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty | List of Commissioners of the Turks and Caicos Islands | Internal Revenue Service Building | High Commissioners for Palestine and Transjordan | Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs | Commissioners | Canada Revenue Agency | Bureau of Internal Revenue (Philippines) | Board of Ecclesiastical Commissioners | War Revenue Act of 1917 |
The Limerick Custom House was the administrative centre for the Revenue Commissioners (including Customs and Excise) in Limerick and it was also the home of the Customs Collector in the eighteenth century.
In 2006, Bacik acted as Junior Counsel in the unsuccessful Irish High Court case brought by Katherine Zappone and Ann Louise Gilligan (KAL case) over non-recognition of their Same-sex marriage by the Irish Revenue Commissioners.