The Ghosts of Motley Hall is a British children's television series written by Richard Carpenter which was produced and directed by Quentin Lawrence for Granada Television, and broadcast between 1976 and 1978 on the ITV network.
Richard Nixon | Richard Wagner | Richard Strauss | Richard Branson | Cliff Richard | Richard Gere | Richard Burton | Richard Hammond | Richard | Richard Dawkins | Little Richard | Richard Feynman | Richard Attenborough | Richard M. Daley | Richard I of England | John Carpenter | Richard Thompson | Richard Francis Burton | Richard Thompson (musician) | Richard Pryor | Richard Linklater | Richard III of England | Richard Petty | Richard II | Richard II of England | Richard E. Byrd | Maurice Richard Arena | Muhal Richard Abrams | Richard Herring | Mary Chapin Carpenter |
This company was popular for their corn chips called Chip-Os, and for the fact that The Carpenters – a vocal and instrumental American duo, consisting of siblings Karen and Richard Carpenter – did a commercial for them in the 1970s.
#"I Need to Be in Love" (John Bettis, Richard Carpenter, Albert Hammond) – 3:09