
4 unusual facts about Richard Courant

Helmut Röhrl

as annotator and editor: Adolf Hurwitz, Richard Courant Lehrbuch der Funktionentheorie, Springer Verlag, 4th edn.

In 1964 he edited the new edition of the classic textbook on function theory by Adolf Hurwitz and Richard Courant.

Oswald Teichmüller

:" ... he was a genius but as an extreme Nazi shamefully stood out with his agitation against Landau and Courant." (in: Entzifferte Geheimnisse. Methoden und Maximen der Kryptologie. English title: Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology)

Upwind scheme

Historically, the origin of upwind methods can be traced back to the work of Courant, Isaacson, and Rees who proposed the CIR method.

Clarence Raymond Adams

As a Sheldon Traveling Fellow of Harvard University, he studied at the Sapienza University of Rome under Tullio Levi-Civita and at the University of Göttingen under Richard Courant.

Franz Rellich

He studied from 1924 to 1929 at the universities of Graz and Göttingen and received his doctor's degree in 1929 under Richard Courant at Georg August University of Göttingen with the thesis about "Verallgemeinerung der Riemannschen Integrationsmethode auf Differentialgleichungen n-ter Ordnung in zwei Veränderlichen" ("Generalization of Riemann's integration method on differential equations of n-th order in two variables").

Fritz John

He studied mathematics from 1929 to 1933 in Göttingen where he was influenced by Richard Courant among others.

Jacques Herbrand

Although he died at only 23 years of age, he was already considered one of "the greatest mathematicians of the younger generation" by his professors Helmut Hasse, and Richard Courant.

see also

Ernest Courant

Expelled from his position at the University of Göttingen, Richard Courant took a temporary teaching position in England, and the family abandoned Göttingen in favor of Cambridge for a few months.