
unusual facts about Richard Dehmel

Hans Carossa

The year 1907 was a crucial one for a young Roman Catholic who longed to become a writer, especially one whose idols had been poets such as Richard Dehmel and Frank Wedekind; for it was in 1907 that Pope Pius X issued the encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis bitterly condemning modernism in the arts.

Julie Wolfthorn

Wolfthorn was known for her portraits, among others of Ida Dehmel, Richard Dehmel, Carl Ludwig Schleich, Hedda Eulenberg, Gabriele Reuter, family members of writers Hedwig Lachmann and Gustav Landauer, the family of architect Hermann Muthesius, opera singer Irmgard Scheffner, many actrices like Tilla Durieux or Carola Neher, and many other famous people of her time from Berlin, mainly female activists.

see also