
unusual facts about Richard Dufallo

Eleonore Pameijer

Eleonore Pameijer has performed as soloist with many orchestras and ensembles led by conductors such as David Porcelijn, Arthuro Tamayo, Richard Dufallo, Ton Koopman, Oliver Knussen, Jaap van Zweden, Kenneth Montgomery, Ingo Metzmacher, Peter Eötvös, Philippe Entremont and Alexander Vedernikov.

Nikolay Madoyan

Madoyan performed with a number of the world's best symphony orchestras and conductors such as Richard Hickox, Frans Brüggen, Claudio Abbado, Arnold Katz, Dmitri Kitayenko, Valery Gergiev, Leopold Hager, Matthias Bamert, Richard Dufallo and Nikolai Alekseyev.

see also