
unusual facts about Richard Ingrams

Not Private Eye

The spoof edition largely copied the style of Private Eye but attacked its editorial team, including a cover which portrayed the editor Richard Ingrams in a Nazi uniform talking to Adolf Hitler.

Private Eye TV

In celebration of the magazine's tenth anniversary, the best of its output was compiled by Barry Took and read out by the magazine's staff and assorted comedy stars (like Private Eye, largely originating themselves from the Satire Boom) such as John Bird, Eleanor Bron, Spike Milligan, William Rushton, John Wells, Christopher Booker, Barry Fantoni, Paul Foot and Richard Ingrams.

see also

Paul Foot

Foot's first stint at Private Eye lasted until 1972 when, according to Patrick Marnham, Foot was effectively sacked by Richard Ingrams who had come to the conclusion that Foot's copy was being unduly influenced by his contacts in the International Socialists.