Australia's The Physical TV Company, directed by Richard James Allen and Karen Pearlman, is well known for creating original works that are a sophisticated meeting of the possibilities of cinema with those of dance.
As well as using her understanding of kinesthetic empathy in her theorizing, she applies her choreographic sensibility to her own editing and dramaturgy of the multi award winning dance on screen works made by The Physical TV Company, which she co-directs with Richard James Allen.
It was directed by Daniel Reisinger and Max Brown and choreographed by Richard James Allen.
James Bond | Richard Nixon | Richard Wagner | James Joyce | James Brown | Woody Allen | James Cook | Allen Ginsberg | James Stewart | Richard Strauss | James II of England | James Garner | James | Richard Branson | James Cameron | James Taylor | James Madison | Cliff Richard | James May | Richard Gere | Richard Burton | Richard Hammond | Henry James | Richard | James Cagney | Richard Dawkins | James II | James Caan | James Earl Jones | LeBron James |