
4 unusual facts about Richard Neutra

Arthur Fehr

At the end of 1937 Granger returned from California, where he had been working for Richard Neutra, and hired on with Fehr's new practice in Austin.

Bernard Zimmerman

Zimmerman worked for the offices of Richard Neutra Architects, Welton Beckett & Associates and Victor Gruen Associates, before becoming president of Zimmerman Architects & Planners.

Crystal Cathedral

In 1961, the congregation moved to a new sanctuary designed by architect Richard Neutra.

Murray Silverstein

As a young designer, he worked for noted California architect Richard Neutra.

Esther McCoy

This book was followed by others devoted to the Case Study Houses sponsored by Arts & Architecture, Schindler's fellow emigre Richard Neutra, and architect Craig Ellwood, among others.

Huntington Beach Public Library

Shortly before the actual signing of the agreement, Richard Neutra died while on tour and his son, Dion, was retained to design the project.

Jaime Lerner

1994: Neutra Medal for Professional Excellence: In recognition for his contributions to the Environmental Design Profession and in honor of Modernist architect Richard Neutra,.

Leda Luss Luyken

During that time she was particularly influenced by the works of Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe and Richard Neutra as well as Japanese garden architecture.

Lucien Hervé

1950-1955 : Photographs regularly for Le Corbusier and, at the same time, for many other international architects (Alvar Aalto, Marcel Breuer, Kenzo Tange, Richard Neutra, Oscar Niemeyer, Aulis Blomstedt), as well as numerous French architects (Bernard Zehrfuss, Jean Balladur, Georges Candilis, Georges-Henri Pingusson, Michel Écochard, etc.) and architect-engineers such as Jean Prouvé.


It was influenced by Richard Neutra's design principles and was developed with the assistance of Neutra's son and former partner, Dion Neutra.

see also

Kaufman House

Kaufmann Desert House, Palm Springs, California, designed by Richard Neutra