
3 unusual facts about Richard Porson

Carel Gabriel Cobet

He always expressed his obligation to the English, saying that his masters were three Richards: Richard Bentley, Richard Porson and Richard Dawes.

David Ruhnken

Friedrich August Wolf was the real creator of Greek scholarship in modern Germany, and Richard Porson's gibe that "the Germans in Greek are sadly to seek" had some truth in it.

East Ruston

East Ruston is distinguished as the birthplace of that eminent Greek scholar, Richard Porson, M.A., who was born here in 1759, and was first initiated in letters by his father, then clerk of the parish.

Luke Hansard

Among those whose friendship Hansard won in the exercise of his profession were Robert Orme, Burke and Dr Johnson; while Porson praised him as the most accurate printer of Greek.

Samuel Rogers

Rogers himself kept a notebook in which he entered impressions of the conversation of many of his distinguished friends—Fox, Edmund Burke, Henry Grattan, Richard Porson, John Horne Tooke, Talleyrand, Lord Erskine, Scott, Lord Grenville and the Duke of Wellington.

see also