
4 unusual facts about Richard Posner

Arnold Harberger

A subtler critique is a point Richard Posner raised in 1975, namely that the welfare cost of monopoly should include all monopoly profits as well as Harberger's triangle.

Burton Awards for Legal Achievement

Judge Richard Posner of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, Judge Alex Kozinski of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and Judge Carol Corrigan of the Supreme Court of California are honorary members on the board of directors.

Larry Downes

From 1993-1994, he clerked for Judge Richard Posner in the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

Law review

In 2004, Judge Richard Posner wrote a critical account entitled "Against the Law Reviews" in the magazine Legal Affairs.

Aaron Director

Together with his better known brother-in-law, Nobel laureate Milton Friedman, Director influenced a generation of jurists, including Robert Bork, Richard Posner, Antonin Scalia and Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

Indiana Law Journal

Some notable contributors to the journal include Justice Hugo Black, Robert Bork, Archibald Cox, John Hart Ely, Leon Green, Frank Michelman, Martha Minow, Richard Posner, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, Cass Sunstein, Laurence Tribe, Chief Justice Fred Vinson, and Seth P. Waxman.

Restatements of the Law

Some of the most renowned legal scholars in the United States, including Judge Richard Posner and law professor Lawrence M. Friedman, have heavily criticized the Restatements, characterizing them as badly flawed.

Right to privacy

Richard Posner and Lawrence Lessig focus on the economic aspects of personal information control.

Scribes: The American Society of Legal Writers

The Scribes Journal distribution now exceeds 10,000 copies and has published articles by some of the best-known figures in legal writing, including Garner himself, Joseph Kimble, Charles Alan Wright, Judge Richard Posner, Lawrence M. Friedman, Richard Wydick, Reed Dickerson, Dean Darby Dickerson, Irving Younger, Steven Stark and Wayne Schiess.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact

In 2006, Judge Richard Posner of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and professor at the University of Chicago Law School, wrote a book called Not a Suicide Pact: The Constitution in a Time of National Emergency.

see also