
3 unusual facts about Richard Tuttle

Alanna Heiss

In 1973, the Clocktower Gallery, located in a municipal building in Lower Manhattan, opened with its three inaugural shows: Joel Shapiro, Richard Tuttle, and James Bishop.

Mei-mei Berssenbrugge

New York : Library Fellows of the Whitney Museum of American Art. 1987 (A collaboration with Richard Tuttle)

Steven Zevitas

However, since 2003 the gallery has exhibited work by both emerging and established artists such as Richard Tuttle.

see also

John Yau

Artists' books include projects with Squeak Carnwath, Richard Tuttle, Norbert Prangenberg, Hanns Schimannsky, Archie Rand, Norman Bluhm, Pat Steir, Suzanne McClelland, Robert Therrien, Leiko Ikemura, and Jürgen Partenheimer (a.o.), his books of art criticism include The United States of Jasper Johns (1996) and In the Realm of Appearances: The Art of Andy Warhol (1993).