
25 unusual facts about River Stour


It is the only part of the town to the south of the River Stour.

Battle of Marton

One possible location for the battle is at Merriton, on the banks of the River Stour, a few miles downstream of Wimborne, thus providing a simple journey by barge with the body of King Æthelred.

Blair Hughes-Stanton

He died in 1981, and his ashes were scattered on the River Stour, Suffolk by his two friends from the local pub, Peter and Joe.

Bures, England

The parishes lie on opposite sides of the River Stour, which is the county boundary between Essex and Suffolk.

Charlton Marshall

It is sited on a river terrace above the floodplain of the River Stour, with most of the land in the parish stretching south-west over chalk hills.


The River Stour would have been navigable and there is evidence that in about 500 BC peoples from Continental Europe were populating the South West, bringing with them the culture of the early Iron Age.

Great Bradley

There is evidence that people have lived in and around Great Bradley by the River Stour since the middle stone age over 5,000 years ago.

Halford, Warwickshire

By the River Stour are the earthworks and buried remains of Halford Castle, a motte castle believed to be the predecessor of the present manor house.

Holy Jesus Hospital

The Order spread to France and then to England after being invited by Richard de Clare, 6th Earl of Hertford, to found Clare Priory in Suffolk, by the River Stour.

Honington, Warwickshire

The River Stour flows past the village on the western side and has a 5 arched 17th-century bridge crossing it.

London Basin

The north eastern part of the basin is now drained to the North Sea by rivers including the Crouch, Blackwater, Stour and Orwell.

Orange-spotted Emerald

This species has only ever known from two areas in southern England, one around the River Stour and Moors River in east Dorset, where the species was recorded from 1820 to 1963, and the other on the River Tamar in Devon where the species was recorded in 1946 only.


Poslingford lies near to a stream that feeds the River Stour (via the Chilton Stream), and the main part of the village follows the line of The Street (the main road through to the village of Stansfield), rising approximately 18m in height above sea level from south to north.

River Stour, Kent

The lower part of the river is tidal; its original mouth was on the Wantsum Channel, an important sea route in medieval times.

River Stour, Suffolk

John Constable 005.jpg"?title=John Constable">John Constable, c.

The Stour valley has been portrayed as a working river by John Constable, Thomas Gainsborough and Paul Nash.

River Stour, Warwickshire

The A3400 road roughly follows the course of the river to Stratford-upon-Avon, through the villages of Halford, Alderminster, Newbold-on-Stour, Atherstone-on-Stour and Clifford Chambers.

Robert Samuel

Robert Samuel was the minister of the parish church of East Bergholt, in the Stour valley, during the reign of King Edward VI, at which time it was permitted for priests to be married, and he dwelt there together with his wife.

Slitting mill

However there was a particular concentration of them on the River Stour between Stourbridge and Stourport, where they were conveniently placed to slit iron that was brought up (or down) the River Severn before it reached nailers in the Black Country.


Its long western border with Dullingham also follows field boundaries, most of which also follow the course of the Stour Valley Path, a long-distance footpath.


Stoke-by-Clare is a small village in Suffolk located in the valley of the River Stour, about two miles west of Clare.

The Hay Wain

The Hay Wain is a painting by John Constable, finished in 1821, which depicts a rural scene on the River Stour between the English counties of Suffolk and Essex.

Whitchurch, Warwickshire

Whitchurch is a small hamlet lying on the left bank of the River Stour in Warwickshire, England, some four miles south-south-east of the town of Stratford-upon-Avon.

Winterborne Houghton

To the east is Winterborne Stickland and the river flows on to this village, eventually joining the River Stour.

Winterborne Kingston

The River Winterborne which flows through the village is a tributary of the River Stour.

Dedham, Essex

Dedham is frequently rated as containing some of England's most beautiful Lowland landscape, most particularly the Water Meadows of the River Stour, which passes along the northern boundary of the village forming the boundary between the counties of Essex and Suffolk.

Hampshire Basin

Today the western part of the basin drains via the rivers Frome and Piddle into Poole Harbour, and via the Stour and Avon directly to the English Channel.

Pegwell Bay, Kent – a Recollection of October 5th 1858

Pegwell Bay is a shallow inlet on the coast of Kent between Ramsgate and Sandwich, at the estuary of the River Stour, Kent.

Pennyhole Bay

Pennyhole Bay is a stretch of water situated to the south of the ports of Harwich in Essex and Felixstowe in Suffolk, England where the rivers Stour and Orwell flow into the sea and just east of Walton-on-the-Naze in Essex.

Plucks Gutter

During the Middle Ages, the two rivers met the Wantsum Channel at Stourmouth, but the combined rivers now (called the River Stour downstream from Plucks Gutter) flow onward to the sea via Sandwich to Pegwell Bay near Ramsgate, leaving Plucks Gutter some six miles in a straight line and ten by river from the English Channel.

Roman Museum

In the first century AD the Cantiaci were the inhabitants of Kent when the Romans captured a settlement on the River Stour and later called it Durovernum Cantiacorum, or stronghold of the Cantiaci by an Alder marsh.

Thomas Hickman-Windsor, 1st Earl of Plymouth

He and George Digby, 2nd Earl of Bristol financed Andrew Yarranton's ultimately unsuccessful attempts to improve the River Salwarpe and River Stour to make them navigable.