
unusual facts about River Tiber

Porto di Ripetta

It was situated on the banks of the River Tiber and was designed and built in 1704 by the Italian Baroque architect Alessandro Specchi.


Roman cities and Roman villas had elements of sanitation systems, delivering water in the streets of towns such as Pompeii, and building stone and wooden drains to collect and remove wastewater from populated areas - see for instance the Cloaca Maxima into the River Tiber in Rome.

see also

Sarah Parcak

On December 31, 2013, she was the focus of Dan Snow's documentary "Rome's Lost Empire" on BBC Four, prospectively identifying several potentially significant sites including the arena at Portus; the lighthouse and a canal alongside the river Tiber directly to Rome.

Severan dynasty

The eighteen year-old Emperor Elagabalus and his mother were both taken from the palace, dragged through the streets, murdered and thrown in the river Tiber by the Praetorian Guard, who then proclaimed Alexander Severus as Augustus.