
unusual facts about Robert Baldwin

LaFontaine-Baldwin Symposium

Canada's existence and democratic foundation owes a great deal to the partnership of two 19th century political visionaries, Louis-Hippolyte LaFontaine and Robert Baldwin, the first democratically elected Joint Premiers of the Province of Canada.

Roland Michener Secondary School

All homerooms are split into 4 houses, each named after a prominent Canadian politician: Baldwin, Frontenac, Tupper and Vanier.

Sharon Temple

They continued to play a key role in the development of democracy in Canada by ensuring the elections of both "fathers of responsible government," Robert Baldwin and Louis LaFontaine, in their riding despite threats of political violence by the Orange Order.

see also

Myra Falls, Canada

Many famous geologists have worked this property including Rick Sawyer, Cliff Pearson, Jennifer Jolliffe, Hugh MacIsaac, Robert Baldwin, Finley Bakker, Laura Hubbard, the late Ken Atkin and many more.

NX Files

Created by Robert Baldwin, John Purchase, Alain Moussi and Stephan Roy; the webisodes are filmed and produced in Orleans, Ontario, Canada.