
unusual facts about Robert Barclay

Quintipartite Deed

On July 1, 1676, William Penn, Gawen Lawrie (who served from 1683 to 1686 as Deputy to Governor Robert Barclay), Nicholas Lucas and Edward Byllinge executed a deed with Sir George Carteret known as the “Quintipartite Deed,” in which the territory was divided into two parts, East Jersey being taken by Carteret and West Jersey by Byllinge and his trustees.

Elisabeth of the Palatinate

In 1677, William Penn himself arrived together with Robert Barclay, and remained three days, holding meetings which made a deep impression upon the countess.

see also

David Barclay

David Barclay of Youngsbury (1729–1809), English Quaker merchant and banker, grandson of Robert Barclay

Westcott, Surrey

In 1812 his son and heir, about to be created Earl of Verulam, sold it to a wealthy Scottish individual, Robert Barclay and it descended to his Barclay heir in the Edwardian period when The Nower was "a neighbouring favourite hill walk for Dorking people" and he was the ancestor of comedy executive/producer Humphrey Barclay.