He was most notably the Minister of Indian affairs under Robert Bourassa and Minister of Natural Resources under Daniel Johnson, Jr.
The GRAND Canal proposal attracted the attention of former Québec premier Robert Bourassa and former Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney.
The Charter, enacted under the Parti Québécois government of René Lévesque, expanded upon Quebec's previous language legislation, Bill 22, also known as the Official Language Act, enacted in 1974 under the Liberal Party of Quebec government of Robert Bourassa.
In 1972, the three major labour federations of Quebec temporarily concerted their forces into a "common front" (front commun) during negotiations with the government of Robert Bourassa; Pepin and the two other union leaders recommended illegal strikes and defiance of court orders and they were sentenced to jail for those actions.
On November 3, 2006, a decision was made by the Quebec government and the City of Quebec to rename the Autoroute Du Vallon and its future extension to Autoroute Robert-Bourassa, in honour of the late Quebec premier.
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