Best Buy Comics is a comics or comix issue drawn by Robert Crumb and Aline Kominsky (Later Crumb) and published in 1979.
The cover was drawn by underground cartoonist Robert Crumb after the band's original cover idea, a picture of the group naked in bed together, was dropped by the record company.
Fritz, a film based on a character created by artist and illustrator Robert Crumb, was the first animated movie to receive an X rating in the United States.
Lolly Gobble Bliss Bombs were known for their colourful packaging, which featured surreal psychedelic artwork, reminiscent of R. Crumb or The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers.
In the mid-1990s American underground comic artist Robert Crumb traded six of his sketchbooks for a townhouse in Sauve.
Robert Louis Stevenson | Robert De Niro | Robert E. Lee | Robert Mugabe | Robert Redford | Robert Burns | Robert Bosch GmbH | Robert | Robert A. Heinlein | Robert Schumann | Robert Browning | Robert Rauschenberg | Robert Plant | Robert Altman | Robert Mitchum | Robert Frost | Robert Southey | Robert F. Kennedy | Robert Maxwell | Robert Graves | Robert E. Howard | Robert Fripp | Robert Fisk | Robert Rodriguez | Robert Motherwell | Robert Lowell | Robert Johnson | Robert Duvall | Robert Boyle | Robert Walpole |
Bram contributed to the first two issues of American Splendor, along with artists Gary Dumm, Gregg Budgett, and Robert Crumb.
The film includes profiles of twenty-two notable and influential talents in the comics field, such as Charles Burns, Art Spiegelman, Françoise Mouly, Frank Miller, Stan Lee, Will Eisner, Robert Crumb, Harvey Pekar and William M. Gaines.
In San Francisco in 1968, Donahue traded his hi-fi tape player to poet Charles Plymell to publish the first issue of Robert Crumb's Zap Comix on his printing press.
From 1977 until Pekar's 2010 death, he worked on Pekar's autobiographical comic series, American Splendor, where he appeared alongside such notable comics artists as Robert Crumb, Joe Sacco, and Gerry Shamray.
Recently featured artists include Gillian Wearing, Yoshitomo Nara, John Armleder, Douglas Blau, Robert Crumb, Kate Gilmore, Barry LeVa, and Odili Donald Odita.
Crumb's Kafka, is an illustrated biography of Franz Kafka by David Zane Mairowitz and Robert Crumb.
In 2011, Jérôme Catz is curating the exhibition Les Enfants Terribles, which brings together twelve of the most important artists in the Lowbrow and Pop Surrealist movements from around the world, featuring Todd Schorr, Robert Williams, Ray Caesar, Jeff Soto, Nicolas Thomas, Caia Koopman, Victor Castillo, Reg Mombassa, Odö, Naoto Hattori, Joe Sorren and Robert Crumb.
Knockabout has frequently suffered from prosecutions from UK customs, who have seized work by creators such as Robert Crumb and Melinda Gebbie claiming it to be obscene.
Cartoonists featured in the Legal Action Comics series include Hellman, R. Crumb, Art Spiegelman, Kim Deitch, Skip Williamson, Robert Williams, Tony Millionaire, Michael Kupperman, R. Sikoryak, Mike Diana, Johnny Ryan, Sam Henderson, Spain Rodriguez, John Linton Roberson, Lauren Weinstein and more.
Pilote also published several international talents such as Hugo Pratt, Frank Bellamy and Robert Crumb.
Also from issue #3 Psychopia featured jam comic strips with many artists including Vic Pratt, Victor Ambrus, Caspar Williams and underground cartoonists Pete Loveday and Robert Crumb contributing to "TV Funnies" in Psychopia #5.
It was a one-shot anthology of bizarre, violent and perverted stories featuring nuns by Dave Sheridan, Robert Crumb, Spain Rodriguez, Jaxon, Roger Brand, and Pat Ryan.
It was more influenced by underground comix artist R. Crumb's drawing "Keep on Truckin'" that appeared in Zap Comix #1, released in San Francisco in 1968.
Bodē was a friend of animator Ralph Bakshi, and warned him against working with Robert Crumb on the animated film adaptation of Crumb's strip Fritz the Cat.