
4 unusual facts about Robert Faurisson

Adelaide Institute

Robert Faurisson, France, Europe's leading Holocaust denier and known as the principal teacher of Ernst Zündel, German Holocaust denier and pamphleteer who was jailed several times for publishing hate literature.

Hossein Amiri

His to-be publication was to be foreworded by Prof. Robert Faurisson, calling for global attention for activity of the same kind.

Jean Beaufret

One reason for Beaufret's dismissal of Farías may have been the latter's revealing that Beaufret, according to Farías, had written in agreement with the holocaust denial of Robert Faurisson.

National Republican Movement

In 2000, the party had less than 5000 members, while its youth movement, the Movement National de la Jeunesse, headed by Philippe Schleiter, nephew of Robert Faurisson, had 1500 members.

Association des anciens amateurs de récits de guerre et d'holocauste

It publishes and circulates texts and writings from mainly French and German Holocaust deniers in different languages on the internet, including Robert Faurisson, Germar Rudolf, the right-wing politician and former NPD member Günter Deckert, and Argentine Norberto Ceresole.

see also