
unusual facts about Robert Latimer

Christian Heritage Party of Canada candidates, 1997 Canadian federal election

Two years later, he criticized efforts to promote judicial lenience for Robert Latimer, a Saskatchewan man who was found guilty of murdering his severely handicapped daughter in what some described as a mercy killing.

Section Twelve of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The section has generated some case law, including the essential case R. v. Smith (1987), in which it was partially defined, and R. v. Latimer (2001), a famous case in which Saskatchewan farmer Robert Latimer protested that his long, mandatory minimum sentence for the murder of his disabled daughter was cruel and unusual.

Timeline of disability rights outside the United States

2001 - In R. v. Latimer 2001 1 S.C.R. 3, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that Robert Latimer's crime of murdering his disabled daughter Tracy Latimer could not be justified through the defence of necessity.

see also