
4 unusual facts about Robert Lowth

Calvin Ellis Stowe

In addition to his editorial labors, in 1829 he published a translation from the Latin, with notes, of Lowth's Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews.

Ernst Friedrich Karl Rosenmüller

He also published editions of Samuel Bochart's Hierozoicon (1796) and Robert Lowth's treatise on Hebrew poetry, De Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum Praelectiones Academicae (1815).

Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade

She has recently published a noted book on Bishop Lowth (1710–1787) (the author of one of the most influential textbooks of English grammar).

Michael Dodson

Dodson, a Unitarian, published A New Translation of Isaiah, with Notes Supplementary to those of Dr. Louth, late Bishop of London. By a Layman. This led to a controversy with Dr. Sturges, nephew of Robert Lowth, who replied in Short Remarks (1791), and was in turn answered by Dodson in a Letter to the Rev. Dr. Sturges, Author of “Short Remarks,” on a New Translation of Isaiah. Dodson wrote some other theological tracts.

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