Muldoon - Downstage Theatre, Auckland 25 June – 17 July 2004 - A play about the former New Zealand Prime Minister Robert Muldoon
McPhail first won fame on sketch comedy show A Week of It, partly thanks to his impressions of New Zealand Prime Minister Robert Muldoon.
From 1976 until 1980 he was New Zealand’s High Commissioner in Singapore before returning to Wellington to become Head of the Prime Minister’s Department where he served under both the Robert Muldoon and David Lange administrations.
Because of the expense of stabilising the gorge walls and the changing economic climate, this was also the last of Robert Muldoon's Think Big projects.
It saw the governing National Party, led by Robert Muldoon, win a third term in office, although the opposition Labour Party, led by Bill Rowling, actually won the largest share of the votes cast.
The style of Robert Muldoon's leadership was growing increasingly unpopular, both with his party and with the public, and there had been an abortive leadership challenge by Brian Talboys in 1980.
The influence of local left-wingers in trade unions was a theme of Robert Muldoon, the Prime Minister from 1975 to 1984.
The Third National Government of Robert Muldoon set a time limit for new tenants.
In 1985 it was made into a popular children's television series starring Adrian Bell as Terry Teo and including many stars such as; Michael Bentine (from the Goons), ex-NZ Prime Minister Robert Muldoon, and comedian Billy T. James amongst others.
It was described as "the most disgusting incident I can recall in the history of cricket" by then Prime Minister of New Zealand, Rob Muldoon.
Sir Robert Muldoon, New Zealand's then Prime Minister, privately owned a white 2500S and had been known to drive to work in it.
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In 1994 Mune played Sir Robert Muldoon in the made-for-television mini-series Fallout, depicting the end of the Muldoon-led National Government.
In 1961, Hanan and nine other National MPs (Ernest Aderman, Gordon Grieve, Duncan MacIntyre, Robert Muldoon, Herbert Pickering, Logan Sloane, Brian Talboys, Mrs Esme Tombleson and Bert Walker) crossed the floor and voted with Labour to abolish the death penalty for murder in New Zealand.