
unusual facts about Robert Novak

Bertell Ollman

In 1978, after having his offer of chairmanship of the Government Department at the University of Maryland College Park rescinded, Ollman sued columnists Robert Novak and Rowland Evans, alleging that a column they authored had libeled him, resulting in the rescinding of his offer.

Alex Linder

The ADL reports that he graduated with a bachelor's degree from Pomona College in Claremont, California, in 1988, then worked as a researcher for CNN on the Evans & Novak political show, and then at The American Spectator.

Kate O'Beirne

O’Beirne was a regular contributor on CNN's Saturday night political roundtable program, The Capital Gang, along with Al Hunt, Mark Shields, Robert Novak, and Margaret Carlson.

The Boys on the Bus

Several very recognizable reporters, whose bylines could be seen into the 21st century, are at turns critiqued, lampooned and glorified within the book, including R.W. "Johnny" Apple, Robert Novak, Walter Mears, Haynes Johnson, David Broder, Hunter S. Thompson and Jules Witcover, not to mention the politicians they were covering: Richard M. Nixon and George McGovern.

Tulsa Beacon

It includes local columnists, a recipe page, church news, columns by Dr. Billy Graham and Dr. James Dobson, local editorials and letters to the editor, syndicated columnists (Robert Novak, David Limbaugh, Mona Charen, and Walter Williams), local sports, television listings, movie reviews, classified ads, and legal notices.

see also

Balint Vazsonyi

Balint Vazsonyi was a frequent guest on national talk radio and appeared on television shows such as NBC Today, Booknotes on C-SPAN with Brian Lamb, and Washington Journal, MSNBC, and Insights with Robert Novak.