In 2006, Haller (along with Athletic Director Mark Hollis, men's basketball coach Tom Izzo, and former athletic director Ron Mason) was a member of the Selection Team that brought Head Football Coach Mark Dantonio to Michigan State.
In other sports he worked with such outstanding coaches as Dick Erickson and Bob Ernst in crew, Earl Ellis in swimming, Dr. Eric Hughes in gymnastics, Ken Shannon in track and field, the legendary Danny Litwhiler in baseball, Joe Baum in Soccer, and Amo Bessone and Ron Mason in ice hockey.
Perry Mason | L. Ron Hubbard | Ron Howard | George Mason University | Ron Carter | James Mason | Ron Sexsmith | Perry Mason (TV series) | Mason | Ron Paul | Ron Wyden | Ron Rivest | Ron Saunders | George Mason | Ron Clarke | Ron Jeremy | Mason Jennings | Fortnum & Mason | Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy | Ron White | Ron & Valerie Taylor | Ron Sims | Ron Rosenbaum | Ron Rifkin | Ron Hamence | Ron Dellums | Ron Athey | John Mason Neale | Ron Sparks | Ron Perlman |