
unusual facts about Ron Silliman

Alan Bernheimer

He continued his association with the New York School poets and the St. Mark's Poetry Project for several years, and moved to San Francisco in 1976, where through Benson and Robinson he met other writers—such as Rae Armantrout, Carla Harryman, Lyn Hejinian, Tom Mandel, Ted Pearson, Bob Perelman, Ron Silliman, and Barrett Watten -- who would soon become known as the San Francisco Language poets.

Annex Press

In the 1970s and 80's, Annex published work of new music documentation, conceptual art and texts by French, Russian and American experimental writers: Bob Perelman, Blue Gene Tyranny, Ron Silliman, Rosmarie Waldrop, Alan Davies, Bruce Andrews, Anne Waldman, Alain Veinstein and Yuri Mamleyev, Daniil Kharms (Daniil Ivanovich Yuvachev), Anne-Marie Albiach, Ascher/Straus, Lynn Hejenian, John Latta, among them.

Annie Finch

Finch's third book of poetry, Calendars, was compared in a review by Ron Silliman to the work of innovative poets Robert Duncan and Bernadette Mayer.

David Bromige

Living in the Bay Area also brought him into contact with a younger generation of American poets, including Ron Loewinsohn, Ron Silliman, David Melnick, Pat Nolan, Alistair Johnson and more.

Kit Robinson

In 1974, he published the one-shot poetry magazine Streets and Roads, where for the first time work by such poets as Barrett Watten, Ron Silliman, Rae Armantrout, and Bob Perelman appeared alongside that of Alan Bernheimer, Steve Benson, Carla Harryman, and Merrill Gilfillan.

P. Inman

His work has appeared in magazines and anthologies including: In the American Tree (edited by Ron Silliman) and From the Other Side of the Century.

Ray DiPalma

Often associated with the Language poets (or L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poets, after the magazine that bears that name), DiPalma was the co-author of L E G E N D (1980) with Bruce Andrews, Charles Bernstein, Steve McCaffery, and Ron Silliman.

see also