Rueda | Francisco Rueda | Rueda, Valladolid | Reinaldo Rueda | Belén Rueda |
Rueda is a rather common name in several places in Spain, but Rueda de Jalón had been always a pivotal center to control and to close, eventually, access by the Castilians to the river Ebro, through the river Jalón, whose sources, located near Medinaceli area, a Castilian area, provided water and fodder for the brisky trade outspots along the river, heavily populated by Muslim farmers and Jewish traders and money changing quarters.
He died on 6 June 1083 with his brother Ramiro who led the army sent by Alfonso VI in what was to be known as the disaster or the treachery of Rueda, where many other nobles lost their lives, including count Gonzalo Salvadórez.